Tangled litter 2014
- Inspirert av Disney -
Born: January 11, 2014
Mom: CH NO*Ped Alba Amora - SBI n 21
Dad: Of Jekima's Lord Oberon NL - SBI b
The color of the litter is sealtabby
Inbreeding of 7 generations: 0,256%
The combination is DNA tested for over 40 different hereditary diseases.
Read more about the DNA test in the menu.
PR NO*Condotti's Maximus
Color: SBI b 21 - Chocolate tabby
Not for sale 2014
Maximus moved to a new home 2020
Vivian, Steinsland
NO*Condotti's Rapunzel
Color: SBI n 21 - Sealtabby
Kos - Sold
Marit og Håvard, Ørsta
NO*Condotti's Flynn Rider
Color: SBI n 21 - Sealtabby
Kos - Sold
Trym, Verdal
CH NO*Ped Alba Amora gave birth to three lovely birma kittens on January 11, 2014. Birth weight: 84g, 77g, 80g. Amora is very good with the little ones. And take good care of them. She is caring kind and good, something that the little ones have learned. She is also very good at playing with them and care for them.
Thank you so much to Siw R. Lødemel and to Oberon's loans and great help :-)